Sunday, September 7, 2008

baby tech

troy mcclure is a neat little gentlemen. he does what i wish i would do in his situation. if you're locked up all day, you can ultimately choose one of two adventures. you could whine and make it hard on everyone, or you could make the best of it and wait it out. troy is the youngest one on his unit, but acts the most mature. everyone likes him, especially staff. he aspires to be a professional inventor. yesterday he made a flagpole with a made up country's flag on it. this was probably while majula, the oldest, was screaming at staff to get her lotion or something else unimportant.

during one of his room times, he made a belt like invention that you put on your head. it was made completely out of paper and could be tightened or loosened. i tried it on. it had a cup that had the bottom cut out to go over your left eye. it kind of hurts your ears, but futuristic technology doesn't care about your comfort in it's initial stages. he said it was x-ray vision and he could see through a tree outside. when he came out of his room, he looked towards a wall and jumped back. i asked him what he was doing and he said he looked through the wall and a car outside scared him. inspirational.

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