Friday, December 4, 2009

pics or not real

i went to see one of my kids at school for the last time yesterday. it sucked. i always enjoyed seeing that guy. his classmates knew me too because i would work with him in school. he is in a special class and the kids in there are pretty hilarious. i have a lot of good stories, but the last visit provided some good entertainment for me.

the kids were asked to draw a picture about christmas. they had free will to create whatever they wanted as long as it was christmas, or even winter, related. the teacher brought out the pictures they hadn't finished yet and was asking whose picture belonged to who.

here are some of the pictures that didn't follow directions. one of the pictures looked like two tree stumps about ten feet apart and one of them had a few bananas in proximity. another had a stick figure that looked like it was kicking. above it's head, it said "dog". one kid just drew two bazookas. there was one that looked like a pig that was on fire. my favorite one was a traced picture of charlie brown just standing in the bottom right corner and the word "dictionary" written all broken up across the top.

i'm going to miss those little ones.

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