dik diks are soft little vegetarians. they have tiny feet and a weird shaped nasal so that they can get to certain leaves. the males are littler than females, but they have horns that aren't very scary.
an interesting thing about dik diks is that they are completely monogamous. if their girlfriend or boyfriend dies, they stay with them and die too. even if they have babies to take care of. because of this, they are going extinct. i guess survival takes a backseat to romance.

i kind of want one as a pet, but before they find a girlfriend. that way, we could hold hands and it wouldn't be bad. i could carry him around in a little backpack that girls in seventh grade used to wear. also moms like those backpacks. i think that his tiny nose would sense danger and he would tell me dik dik so we could be safe. i would name him jelly and we would be best friends.
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