i think i saw this jug on cool island. i forgot the island's name. either way, this jug is important to you if you like giant flavored soda drinks. look how disproportionate it all is. it is a smart creation because if you take one of these on a road trip, you'll need a few bathroom breaks at gas stations that have cool islands. i saw this cup and thought about how this is something that would be great for a time capsule. just imagine someone a thousand years from now stumbling upon this testament of our culture. this pearl of our society. it isn't even efficient. you have no where to put it ever, and it is bigger than your head. i think it is funny to imagine someone driving while trying to drink out of this monstrosity. even more so if said driver is trying to slam down some mountain dew while driving a stick shift. or a motorcycle! it just has so many levels of outrageousness. this is quite the bladder buster. i'm sure you could fit an actual bladder in there should you need an extreme transplant on the go.
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